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Thoughts & Inspiration

Being in Swaziland is quite an experience, truly like nothing before. I have seen and encountered more ‘eye-opening’ events than ever expected. We have been working at a hospital that looks like it is a hole in the wall, gone to gumpsites where the smell is so wretched that you can smell it a half mile away, and even got our backpacks stolen (no need to worry, nothing valuable was taken)! All I can say about this trip is heartbreaking!

The other night we were watching a movie called “Without the King,” about the King of Swaziland. It shows many heartwrenching images of families having to eat their pets intestines and drink the mud from the hole where it rained, because they are so poor. Then, it shows the king in his room of gold eating a luxury dinner and riding in his Mercedes Benz.
At first this infuriated me, to think that a king that says he loves his country so much does very little to help those truly in need. Then I heard words of wisdom speaking ‘aren’t we all like the king?’ I didn’t understand right away, but it became clear! We are all kings and queens of Swaziland, we see the pain happening in this dark and broken country yet we do nothing or little to help. Who are we to judge and to tell someone else how to reign a country? All we can do is intercede, love, and go! Lately, the Lord has been pushing me to just GO…Go and help…Go in His name, and He will be there.
Living here in Swaziland is so beautiful, but most importantly the people here bring such joy to my heart. Seeing some of them with hardly anything, but still loving you with all they have. It just shows how much I struggle with trusting the Lord, even though He has promised to protect us through everything.
I pray that your heart may break like mine has for this world; for Swaziland, Kenya, India, and even America!