Carissa Kuehn: devoted christian, high school geology and biology teacher, christian campus club advisor, Waterpolo coach, and a spiritual leader/mentor. Kuehn (or Kuehny) is one of the most inspirational mentors I have met. She has shown me God’s true love and joy. She has also shown me what real worship is; and how to take the oppritunities given to you.
“Do Everything in Love”
1 Corintians 16:14
“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar.”
1 John 4:18-20a
As my junior year started, Kuehn was on fire more than ever! It showed as she walked through the halls of my school. Kuehn’s smile always brought joy to anyone’s heart. She filled our school with hope, love, and joy. The way she lives her day-to-day life constantly pleases the Lord. She is always showing others how to love and to be joyful in the spirit!
As the year went on, Kuehn continued to mentor my friends and I. She allowed us to pray in her room in the morning and challenged us to become more intimate with God than ever before. As time went on I started noticing that she was held back sometimes. I asked her why she was not always telling those around her about Jesus and only talked about our Father around me and my friends. She replied with a smile and said “I cannot speak about God’s genuine love for us at a public school, but all I can do is show them His love for them.” As I thought about what she said I thought more into it. She cannot speak of Jesus but only act like Him…she is taking the most of every oppritunity and using it to her benefit! Actions are louder than words. I asked her one more question “Ms. Kuehn aren’t you ever afraid you will get in trouble if you have your bible on your desk or play worship music?” She replied, “God gave me this job so it is time for me to give it back to Him.” Kuehn taught me to take the most of every oppritunity and to always bring praise back to my Father.
As the year ended up Kuehn started to have us pray outside by her room. She could no longer open up her room every morning. As that happened I noticed Kuehn would be

down during the day. I would ask her, “Kuehn why are you so down?” she would reply, “Kevin it is just that I long to be out there worshiping and seeking out our Father with you all. I get sick of staying in here and want to be praying with all of you!” As I sat and thought about what she just said I had no idea how to respond. She finally broke the silence and said, ” I know I should be worshiping our Heavenly Father with whatever I do but I just wish I was out there.” Then I remembered! We can worship our God with WHATEVER we do…not just words or with our hands in the sky; but with giving that kid a smile, telling that girl that she is loved. Worshiping is bringing glory to our God.
I believe God wants to move through me just as he did through Kuehn. I believe God wants me to be His tool to show others love and joy in all oppritunities. I also believe the time is now to worship God with my life. Kuehn obeys God and is blessed for it. It is time to obey God and worship with my life.
All for HIS Glory,