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Thoughts & Inspiration

(photo of my late best friend Becca and myself at school my Junior year)
My passion for helping others is something that has always been a part of me even as a little kid.  Thankfully, I have been blessed to continually have the opportunities at my finger tips to take mission trips and serve God and those less fortunate.  The first mission trip I ever took was to the deep Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee where I slept in a barn as a 6th grader with fleas, ticks, and other mysterious creatures… as well as outhouses and bathing in the same creak you drank out of… I’m so glad no one got REALLY sick… although I’m sure there was a lovely case of Giarrdhea going around… aka beaver fever… oh well… it really was the best trip of my life and I learned so much about God and myself that I look back on that trip and think God could have me conquer the world! But ever since then I have tried to seize every opportunity that involves missions — whether it’s right in my back yard or in the Dominican Republic. 
This specific trip, however, I chose to take because I believe when you are hurting the best way to heal is to help others.  When my best friend died a year ago I thought my life was over and I could see no light and I had no passion for life or for God — I was so mad that he would take my best friend away from me.  I stopped going to church.  I skipped school almost every day.  I was indifferent to life.  I just stopped caring.  Thank God for people.  Every where I turned someone was picking me up piece by piece and putting me back together and that is when I truly realized that God wanted me to learn and be mad and simply be human. 
I knew God had called me to do something but I wasn’t sure what and I talked to Bart Girdwood a couple of times and he told me about Adventures in Missions and I started to do some research and I found that Adventures in Missions was the perfect fit.  They support everything that I believe in, the time frame is PERFECT, and I totally 100% believe that God has called me to India.  I don’t know how I’m going to get all my money together, and I am scared every day that the money won’t come in, but after my minor freak-outs, I take a deep breath, say a prayer, and know God has everything in order.  I simply have to wait — which I’m not so sure I can! 😀
Romans 11:33-36
3Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
      How unsearchable his judgments,
      and his paths beyond tracing out!
 34“Who has known the mind of the Lord?
      Or who has been his counselor?”
 35“Who has ever given to God,
      that God should repay him?”
 36For from him and through him and to him are all things.
      To him be the glory forever! Amen.