I am so excited for this trip but, I am also very nervous. I am going to a country on the other side of the world where everything is so different. That to me is so exciting. I love learning about other cultures and their viewpoints on everyday things.
God has called me to go to India. I want God to stretch me as far as I can while I am on this trip. I want him to use my strengths to make a difference and I want him to strengthen my weaknesses. I went through a very hard time in my life awhile back and during that point in my life is when I grew closest to God. I was forced to look to Him for strength because I desperately needed a shoulder to lean on and I needed some direction. Lately though, everything has seemed to be going pretty good in my life. I have been doing well and I know I have God to thank for that but sometimes I forget to let him know how thankful I really am. I think we as people get into our routines of everyday life and we forget that everything can change in the blink of an eye. I want to lean on God again for support. I want to grow closer to him and I feel this trip is going to do just that for me. I will be in a place that is completely foreign to me and the only thing that will be the same as back home is God. He will be with me when I am in India using my strengths he has given me to bring glory to his name.
God this is my prayer: “Use me. Challenge me. Let me be your hands and feet on this earth. Stretch me, nourish me, and help me grow in you. And give me an open heart, open eyes and open ears so that I may learn everything you want me to learn on this trip.”
I also hope to make a few new friends on this trip J We will have each other on this trip and I can’t wait to learn from all of you. I think we all have so much to learn from each other as brothers and sisters in Christ! Can’t wait to see all of you face-to-face!
Katarina, I loved your closing prayer. What honest words those are, and I want to challenge you, when you are India, remember this prayer, remember what you asked God to do. Your heart is pure, and God will surely bless that (Jesus said so 🙂 ). Only a few more months till training camp!! I’m so excited for you. I’m praying for you!!
Barton Girdwood
Admissions Department